We arrived home on Sunday evening, Anthony went back to work on Tuesday, so we had a day up our sleeve to get unpacked and organised. Monday was pretty much spent washing, pulling down the Chistmas decorations, washing and working outside in the garden as while we were away there was quite a bit of rain here on the coast, so the lawn was a little overgrown!!
We had a great time but glad to be home!
It's been over 3 weeks since I have done any card making or paper crafting, (except I did make a birthday card for Zali for her 2nd birthday) while we were away!! And even though I've been home nearly a week, I still haven't made any cards! I think I must have left my mojo in Melbourne!! But hopefully things will change this week!!
My older sister, Angela (who lives in Darwin) also a SU Demonstrator, rang on Thursday morning and said she was thinking of coming down to visit as she still had another week before whe had to go back to work, so within a few hours she rang back and said she had booked her flights and that she was arriving Saturday morning and going home the following Sunday. We haven't told anyone else that she is coming, so it will be a suprise for the rest of the family!!
It's been over a year since we last saw each other, so I'm looking forward to her coming to stay!
Hopefully I will have some cards to post in a few days, but I thought I would post some photo's from our holiday!
Enjoy your week end!