Thursday, December 13, 2012

Project Life 2012 update ...

 Lots of weeks to share in this post from Week 17 to Week 23.

I have been slowly adding my journaling and filling in the gaps over the past few weeks of my Project Life 2012.

Hopefully I will be able to stay ontop of it and only have the last few weeks of December to do going into 2013 (well that's the plan!)  
My photos arn't the greatest but here are a few more weeks from the first half of the year!
 Week 17 - Anzac Day fell in this period.
 Watching the prade in Cooroy - love going to the smaller towns to watch them march and Anthony loves looking at all the old cars!!

My Step Dad Alf and Anthony's Dad marching...

Week 18
 First full week at home since closing my store...feeling a bit lost and spend most of the time working on my new Website...
Week 19
 Week 20
 Mother's Day fell in this week and we spent the day with both my Mum and Anthony's at Southbank in Brisbane.

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Thanks...Jules x

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