I first read about Project Life at the end of last year, thought it was a great idea, ordered myself a kit and the rest is history!
For me, I saw it as a way to keep taking photo's without the stress of actually getting these photos onto pages and then into Albums. I'm already so far behind with my Scrapbooking (3 overseas trips and probably 5 years worth sitting on the computer)and I love that Project Life simplifies the way I can now Scrapbook!
I am very proud of myself that I have been able to keep up with it throughout the whole year. I decided to do my album as a Weekly theme, which I must admit was sometimes hard at times to do as obviously some weeks we had more going on that others.
I did fall a little bit behind in the middle of the year, but by keeping a journal and adding post it notes to weekly pages, it was very easy to get caught up (if you look closely at the pictures you will see the post it notes scattered throughout) I just jotted down in point format events that happened that week and so when I had printed my photos out it was easy to know where the photos had to go.
I have always been very slack at journalling, even when I did scrapbook so I do have lots of journalling to catch up on. I'm looking forward to doing this over the Christmas Holidays, so that I am all caught up by the end of the year and ready to start 2012!
Most of the photos in my Project Life album are of things to do with the shop but for me, this has been a huge part of my life this year!
By doing Project Life throughout the year, it has made me take alot more photos of our everyday life and things that we usually take for granted or wouldn't necessarily think to photograph.
I did a rough count the other day and up until last week, I had over 450 photos that are in my 2011 Project Life Album. That's over 450 Photos that would probably still be sitting on the computer, unprinted!
So, when the Project Life Kits for 2012 were announced, I had to get mine!
The only place you can order your Project Life Kits and accessories (for Australian and New Zealand customer) is Craft House in New Zealand.
They have just received their huge order and are shipping this coming week, so fingers crossed it arrives in time to go under the tree!
Not sure what happend to some of the photos, but you get the general idea.
Thanks...Jules x